BioGME Technology in Agriculture

BioGME Technology in Agriculture

BioGME Technology in Agriculture

BioGME Technology in agriculture is applied in farms and Orchards with a main focus on water treatment and soil amendment. Providing a suitable environment around the roots leads to a very good performance in aerial parts of plants including proper growth, optimum balance in flowering and fruit setting and plants vitality. BioGME technology by restoring and enhancing the biological activity of the soil, while prevents soil erosion accelerates soil bioremediation and natural repairing. This method with impacting on soil aggregation in dispersed soils, increasing soil organic matter in poor soils, reviving natural conditions in soils polluted with chemical fertilizers and etc., is working as a soil amendment approach. The prominent role of BioGME products is visible in the recovery of unfavorable conditions. BioGME good performance is well observed in reclaiming alkaline soil with high salinity.

:BioGME Technology Advantages in Orchards

BioGME Technology Advantages in Farms

Increase germination and rooting •
Increase the amount of chlorophyll •
Increase growth rate •
Increase yield •
Increase soil organic matter and work as a soil amendment •
Increase soil water holding capacity •
Increase plant resistance to thermal and water stresses •
Reduce soil bulk densityReduce soil salinity •
